Alcuni studenti hanno voluto esprimere il loro no ad ogni forma di violenza contro le donne, utilizzando competenze, abilità e passioni proprie.
Una studentessa del Liceo delle Scienze Umane (indirizzo economico-sociale, classe 4^ A), con la passione per la fotografia, ha voluto partecipare a questo progetto, offrendoci alcune foto che aveva realizzato precedentemente, perché sensibile al problema della discriminazione e violenza che ogni giorno le donne subiscono, spesso in silenzio.
Immedesimarsi aiuta a comprendere meglio e ha voluto rappresentare con fotografie l'angoscia di chi subisce violenza.
I am very fond of this photo, because the model is my little sister. I think that this photo is really important even if it isn’t an Italian tradition, I felt touched by this unjustice spread in other parts of the world. I’ve heard about it from the media and internet. I decided to represent a European child because the people who look at this photo can understand that this cruelty, though far from us, can affect us all if we don’t act now. |
This photograph shows a woman become delicate and vulnerable as she suffers violence. In fact, the woman in the photo is in a fetal position that reminds the baby in the belly of the mother. I am the model. The abused women very often hide the truth and invent false apologises. |
This photo describes a situation in which the majority of women in this situation is. They are afraid of talking, because they feel threatened by men. This picture touch more my sensibility because the hand belongs to my father and the woman is Mummy. I can’t think that the situation is real, I can’t think this situation is near me, because I believe that a man, who protects me and that I trust in, can’t use violence on a woman because “thanks to a woman he is in the world”. |
This photo doesn’t need an explication: it talks by itself. I know it isn’t easy to talk about violence, but the women must find the strength to denounce what happens to them to specialised people, like psychologists, social workers and justice. In this photo, I didn’t use the high ISO I didn’t want to have a particular photo effect: I wanted to recreate a clouded atmosphere. This effect represents two different realities: on the one hand, men, clouded by bad emotions, lose their reason and control and, in these mad moments, they violate women; on the other hand, women are afraid to talk about. |
Un giovane studente, Manlio, cantante rap, ha composto questa canzone con la collaborazione di Fabio e, nell'esecuzione, anche dei suoi compagni di scuola, di cui vi proponiamo testo e video.
Qualcuno ha detto che i ragazzi sembrano tristi, ma come non esserlo pensando che nel 2016 ancora assistiamo a violenze nei confronti delle donne solo perché alcuni maschietti sentono minacciato il loro predominio secolare?
(Original rap song by Manlio Forni)
We can stop this situation with the right word
There is a plucky message on the black board
“A big war, locked in a small world
Can be arrested if we demolish every wall”.
I know the terrible story of a young girl
Who was (de)prived of her purity and of her soul
She tries to mind when she was only a child
A man unkind stole the innocence that in her finds.
She isn’t able to get up after every fall
She thinks again of the abuse of an ANIMAL
She knew the reality, but when she was too small
She was confused and abused as if she was a doll.
The memories of life that can’t have a price
And for the fright of each night you cannot apologise.
Now you can try to forget the wild guy
You must rip the past, the only way you can fly.
What’s the cost of the brave of react and complaint?
All the joy that you lost, all the time that you pray
To remove every ghost from the night and the day
Everything you don’t like in a life that’s too grey.
It’s for the honour of these women that we have to fight
Because humanity can win only if also wins the right.
It’s for the honour of these women that we have to fight
Because humanity can win only if also wins the right.
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