Gli studenti e le insegnanti hanno condiviso una petizione di Amnesty International in sostegno delle ragazze del Burkina-Faso contro i matrimoni forzati a cui sono costrette.
Dopo la petizione, gli studenti hanno voluto aggiungere qualcosa di concreto ed hanno inviato delle cartoline con frasi di incoraggiamento indirizzate alle ragazze e spedite in un plico tramite l'avvocato di contatto in Burkina-Faso.
Ho raccontato, come faccio spesso, in altre classi, le attività dei progetti eTwinning e questa volta il coinvolgimento è stato davvero intenso.
Oltre ai protagonisti del progetto, altri studenti hanno voluto partecipare spontaneamente a questa campagna per i diritti di tutte le donne, anche quelle che vivono in Paesi così distanti dal nostro, scrivendo delle lettere durante le vacanze di Natale indirizzate questa volta a "Minister of justice and human rights, Amnesty International Burkina Faso", e per conoscenza hanno inviato le email anche a me.
Salve prof.
qui di seguito trova la mail che ho inviato ad Amnesty International.
Le auguro una buona continuazione delle vacanze e buone feste.
Distinti saluti,
Melissa (5 A)
Dear Minister of Justice and Human Rights…
Dear Minister, These marriages are against a lot of human rights and for this reson I urge you and your government to: • Try to enforce the already existing law against early mariage and the several international laws. • Build other shelters for young girls, so if they are in danger or risk of being forced to marry older men, they can find help in these facilities. • Educate and sensitise the new generations to respect the laws and, above all, women. Sincerely, Rita (5 A) |
Dear Minister, |
Dear Minister, ... Men need to stop thinking they are superior. It's 2016 and it's time women and men are equally considered. I'm glad that someone is against this cruelty and is helping these girls. We have to support them to finally stop this abuse that has been going on for too long. Beatrice (3 T) |
Reading news about this situation makes me sad. Marriage is dictated by mutual love, not exploitation. ...very young girls forced to become aduls without having time to be girls. The real fault is of the culture and I was wondering if you can change this tradition, keeping in mind the dignity of a woman; men and women should be equal.,,, Fabio (3 T) |
...When I read the stories of those girls I think: "If that had happened to me?" We are so used to our monotony that often this news does not affect us either, or if it does we try not to intervene when we should do everything to put an end to it, because we could be them, and we should not be spectators but do our best to stop injustice. Lorena (3 T) |
Dear Minister, My name is Giulia and I am 16. I'm writing you because I want to help with this letter other girls and young women who are not lucky like me, who don't have the same opportunities that I have. I am grateful to have a beautiful family that loves me, and I am lucky to have the possibility to attend school and to marry a person who loves me. Unfortunately, there are girls in the world who don't have these opportunities; they are forced to do what other people have chosen for them. I hope that one day this situation could change. Yours sincerely, Giulia (3 T) |
Dear Minister, ... None of us has the possibility to choose where to born and grow but...each of us has the right to choose who to love and nobody can impose it. Women are not objects and they have the same rights as men, this should never be forgotten! I hope you'll do something to help these girls. Sincerely, Margherita (3 T) |
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